A houseboat in Seattle is a whole new lifestyle. Houseboats are spacious but not extremely spacious. You have to park on land and sometimes use a wagon to bring your belongings to the dock. The...
Category: Houseboat Finances
When looking to buy a new houseboat it can be difficult to determine how much money you need to have. Can you get a new houseboat for a few thousand dollars? Do they cost hundreds of thousands? A...
A houseboat is a conventional-looking home that floats on a platform. While building a houseboat, you can use normal house building materials, but you will need to use extra sealant and care to...
There are many benefits of renting a houseboat, but not every person who owns a boat can use it. Houseboats are not only beautiful and convenient to use; they also make great vacation rentals for...
If you are wondering how much does a houseboat cost to rent, there are several things you should know before you make your reservation. These vessels range from about $6,500 to over $12,000,...
When it comes to financing a houseboat, you'll find several options available. Home equity line of credit, Personal loans, and HELOCs are all viable options. Home equity is the value of your home...