Should You Stay On A Houseboat? All Your Questions Answered

Staying in a houseboat can be pretty exciting and unique. It flies in the face of people who think that no one can live a unique life. When you stay on a houseboat for vacation or full time there is nothing normal about it and it is something that many people will never experience in their life! 

After you reach a certain phase of your life, it starts to seem like everyone is doing the exact same things. Your friends might be buying dream houses and be busy settling down in new cities and jobs. Others will be involved in marrying their long-term boyfriend or girlfriend and be having their dream wedding. 

If you choose to avoid all of that and stay single or live on a houseboat instead of a normal home with a normal job it is certainly different but is that different bad? 

Should you stay in a houseboat full time? 

There is no right and wrong answer to this question as there is really only what is best for you. If you want to live a unique life and not have the “white picket fence” then a houseboat could be perfect for you. If you never plan on having a bunch of kids either then a houseboat starts to look like an even better option.

Ultimately only you can decide what you want your life to look like in a few years. If you want to own the typical American dream home with a typical family with kids then a houseboat is probably not the best option for you. However, if you don’t want the “normal” and thrive on being unique then living on a houseboat could be exactly what you want! 

Reasons why you should stay on a houseboat

Living aboard a houseboat is a very personal decision and not a decision that should be made lightly. Below we will dive into some of the reasons why you SHOULD live on a houseboat. These are far from the only good things about a houseboat but it is important to remember that there are many cons as well. 

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Easy access to stunning scenery

Isn’t it crazy how much travelling you have to do in order to visit places, enjoy the scenic beauty and sleep in the lap of mother nature? Not only this, but it normally also carries with it a lot of exertion and stress. Therefore, living on a houseboat would turn that stress into short trips and feel like you are on vacation all of the time!

Beautiful places would be available just by looking over your railing! You can view them, enjoy them whenever you please and brag to your friends and family about the views you have EVERY DAY! Beautiful landscapes, snow-covered mountains, huge stretches of grasslands, and more (depending on where you are at) will be right outside your windows. You can experience mother nature a lot more by being in a comfortable ambience not just for a vacation but for your HOME

Peace and quiet away from the city’s noise 

Being on a houseboat is quite enjoyable. It takes you far away from that chaotic city life of harsh sounds such as horns, fights, yelling, and much more. You will avoid the clouds of smoke everywhere and the hustle and bustle that people have to wade through every single day.  

All of this noise and pollution can be pretty frustrating for someone who aims to live at peace in the lap of nature. Therefore, living on a houseboat allows you to enjoy such a lifestyle. You can go wherever you want and all you will receive is peace and contentment in return.

A unique way of life

This is pretty unique when you are able to change your lifestyle for a unique way of life. Why should you go through the regular, old things that others have been doing for ages? If you are someone who is determined to think outside of the box and would love to go for a creative living, then well this might be the chance for you. 

Living on a houseboat allows you to live a life that quite simply is different in a good way. You can definitely turn a houseboat into your home and change up everyday mundane things like eating and turn them into a fun experience. 

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Life won’t be monotonous anymore

While living on a houseboat, you’ll start to feel that changes are pretty constant. In other words, you will get used to changes occurring in your life. If you are someone who is bored by going through the same daily schedule of life, then this could be the perfect solution for you. 

Living on a houseboat is not only fun but exciting too. You’ll get to know about a lot of things. You’ll even be prepared for any mishap that might come in the long run. In short, you’ll get to know more about life, how it should be and how exciting it can get by the daily changing situations happening around you. 

Feel like getting up and fishing before work? Do it! Feel like swimming? Hop in the water! Got all hot and sweaty doing work on the boat? Cool off in the water or by laying on the top deck in the breeze! 

Life on a houseboat allows you to change your daily schedule at will! 

You will be the captain of your life

If you have dreamt of people saying to you “Aye, Captain!”, then well you are not too far from it. Staying on a houseboat lets you be your life’s own captain.

You can get the experience of navigating a whole boat around the corners of a river, canal, lake, etc. You’ll be able to whistle with birds flying over your head and wave back to individuals standing on the shore. These feelings are way better than staying in your home busy with your daily chores. 

In this type of living, at last you’ll learn how beautiful and meaningful life can be.

You will have no parking issues

If you live in a big city there probably won’t be anything more exciting than this! Owning a car and being fed up with the no parking zones or constantly struggling to find a spot can be annoying! 

Even if you don’t have parking issues you will no longer have to deal with rush hour traffic either (assuming you aren’t still working a normal job while living on a houseboat) 

Owning a houseboat can definitely give you relief from these problems.  You’ll be able to navigate your boat to wherever you wish to and finding a parking spot will never again be a problem! 

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Yes, you’ll have to be cautious of the dangerous areas or the prohibited zones of the waterways, but parking areas? There are no such things there. You can anchor your houseboat near virtually any shore, stock up your supplies, dump off the waste and boom, you are ready for another trip. 

You can change your neighbors whenever you wish to

This is one of the major problems while living in a house. Neighborhoods matter a lot when it comes to living a peaceful life. 

Do your neighbors disturb you a lot? Do they turn on their music system in the middle of the night? Are they the fussiest creatures you have ever seen?

Well you now don’t have to worry! Living on a houseboat will let you avoid these kinds of problems forever. You’ll have the choice to change your neighbours whenever you please. At one moment you can be chilling at the marina and in the next you can be headed out on the water if the neighbors get loud or annoying. Try doing that with a normal house! 


Whether you should live on board a houseboat or not is an incredibly personal decision and one that is incredibly difficult to try and figure out. Ultimately it is only a decision that can be made by you and however you will be living on board with. 

For some people downsizing to a houseboat that allows you to move whenever you want is a dream come true while other people want the “normal” dream home with a yard and pool. 

Whichever you prefer, remember no decision is ever permanent. If you decide to live on a houseboat for a few years and then buy a traditional house there is nothing wrong with that either. 

Happy boating! 

Matthew Robbs

I love the outdoors and especially spending time with my family. Whether on a boat or at the beach, my happy place is near the water.

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