The Ultimate Bass Tracker Tire Size Manual: Complete Guide to Bass Tracker Boat Models and Their Tire Sizes

Picture this: you’re all set for an exciting day on the water. Your Bass Tracker boat gleams in the sun, your gear is packed, the kids are bouncy with anticipation, and you can already taste the cool lake water spray in the wind.

But wait! Did you remember to check your trailer tires? Whoa there, sailor! Those rubber donuts might seem trivial, but they’re what get your precious vessel from driveway to dock without any hiccups.

So, let’s dive into the unsung heroes of our boating adventures – the tires.

From my personal escapades as a boater, I’ve come to respect every part of the ensemble, from the majestic boat to the humble trailer tire.

Now my little ducklings, Mia, Jonathan, and Clara, are dipping their toes in the water (literally and figuratively), and let me tell you, tire safety is as essential as their swimming lessons.

Understanding Tire Sizes and Boat Trailers

Hold your sea horses! Before we chart our course into the ocean of Bass Tracker boat models and their corresponding tire sizes, let’s shed some light on tire size nomenclature and the difference between your regular car tire and your boat trailer’s.

Deciphering Tire Sizes

The arcane language of tire sizes can feel like you’re trying to decipher the Dead Sea Scrolls. In reality, it’s as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. A tire marked ‘ST205/75R15’ might look like secret agent code, but here’s the lowdown:

  • ‘ST’: Special Trailer (These tires are superheroes specifically designed for trailers.)
  • ‘205’: The tire’s width in millimeters (Just like boats, tires come in all shapes and sizes.)
  • ’75’: Aspect ratio of height to width (A wee bit of tire geometry, nothing to make your brain capsize.)
  • ‘R’: Radial design (All about the tire’s construction. ‘R’ stands for Radial. ‘B’ for Bias would mean it’s as old as a dinosaur.)
  • ’15’: The diameter of the wheel in inches (Like the size of the pizza you reward yourself with after a successful fishing trip.)

Trailer Tires vs Vehicle Tires

Now, some of you might wonder, “A tire’s a tire, right? Can’t I just stick a car tire on my boat trailer?” That’s like asking if you can wear flippers for hiking.

Sure, you can do it, but it won’t be pretty (and there’ll probably be tears involved). Trailer tires are designed to shoulder heavier loads and withstand sidewall stress – think of them as the heavyweight champions of the tire world.

Now that we’ve netted some basic knowledge about tire sizes and the importance of using actual trailer tires (remember the flippers?), we can set sail towards our main adventure – examining each Bass Tracker model and its tire size.

We’ll be focusing on the Bass Tracker Classic XL, the Pro 170, the Pro Team 175 TXW, the Pro Team 190 TX, and last but not least, the Pro Team 195 TXW. Aye, you’re about to get a masterclass in Bass Tracker boat tires, so tighten your life jackets, we’re in for quite a ride!

Below are the tire sizes for the most popular Bass Tracker boat models.

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Boat ModelTire Size
Bass Tracker Classic XL13″ Radial Tires
Bass Tracker Pro 17013″ Radial Tires
Bass Tracker Pro Team 175 TXW13″ Radial Tires
Bass Tracker Pro Team 190 TX13″ Radial Tires
Bass Tracker Pro Team 195 TXW13″ Radial Tires

Bass Tracker Classic XL Tire Size Guide

Imagine the Classic XL as the “Moby Dick” of Bass Tracker models. With its length of 16’2″, a beam of 75″, and seating for four, this little leviathan is a family favorite – especially in my household.

Now, when it comes to its tires, the Classic XL rolls on ST205/75R14. Yes, just like the sample we decoded. Remember, the ’14’ at the end signifies the tire’s inner diameter in inches, so you’ll be looking for a 14″ wheel.

The standard tire size for this model is no accident – it’s about as balanced as a seal with a ball on its nose. But, if you’re looking to change sizes, you’ll need to make sure that the new tires can still carry your boat’s weight, fit in the wheel well without rubbing, and match your trailer’s axle rating.

Think of it as matching the right bait to the fish you’re trying to catch – getting it wrong can lead to a whole lot of disappointment and a day spent watching your line bob in the water.

My little sailor, Clara, once asked why we couldn’t put giant monster truck tires on our Classic XL trailer. After laughing so hard I almost fell overboard, I explained the importance of balance and safety. I told her, “Honey, that’s like putting a shark fin on a goldfish. It might look cool, but it won’t swim any faster.”

And so, it goes with our trailers too. It might be tempting to supersize your tires for looks, but safety and performance should always be your guiding stars. If you’re unsure about changing tire sizes, it’s a safe bet to stick to the manufacturer’s recommendation. After all, they designed your trailer to sail smooth with a specific tire size.

The Bass Tracker Classic XL, with its ST205/75R14 tires, is as reliable as a sturdy lighthouse in a storm. Just keep an eye on those rubber buddies, and they’ll make sure your boat makes it to every adventure safely.

That’s all for now, folks! We’ve just scratched the surface of this ocean of knowledge. In the upcoming sections, we’ll tackle other Bass Tracker models, along with some tips for tire maintenance and replacement.

So stay tuned, keep your life jackets buckled, and remember, as we sailors say, “Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor.” Time to learn more about the waters we navigate!

Bass Tracker Pro 170 Tire Size Manual

If the Classic XL is the “Moby Dick” of Bass Tracker models, then the Pro 170 is the “Old Man and the Sea.” It’s compact, at 16’8″ in length, with a 77″ beam, but don’t let that fool you, this beauty is built for serious fishing action, much like its novel counterpart.

I fondly remember the first time my son, Jonathan, and I took out a Pro 170. We bonded over fishing tales, imaginary pirate attacks, and the occasional sea monster sighting. Now, what kept our imaginations sailing smoothly on that trail? The right tires, of course!

The Pro 170 sports a set of ST205/75R14 tires. That’s right, they’re the same size as the Classic XL, but remember, a different boat means a different load, so these tires play their own unique role.

When it comes to choosing alternate tire sizes, you’ll need to do a bit of fishing – for information, that is. Here are some important factors to consider:

  • Load capacity: Like a fisherman’s bucket, your tires need to handle all the weight you’re putting in them. Ensure any alternate tire size can carry the load of your boat, trailer, and equipment.
  • Sidewall Strength: If load capacity is the bucket’s bottom, sidewall strength is its sides. Make sure your chosen tires can withstand the lateral forces when turning corners.
  • Speed rating: You don’t want to be the tortoise in a race when you’re eager to hit the water. Ensure your tires can handle your driving speed.
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If changing tire sizes feels as complicated as tying a fishing knot, stick to the old adage – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The manufacturers know their boats like the back of their hand, and the tires they recommend are your best bet for a smooth and safe journey.

Choosing the Right Tire Size for Bass Tracker Pro Team 175 TXW

Up next on our nautical tour is the Pro Team 175 TXW. This model reminds me of “Treasure Island,” not just because it’s a crowd favorite, but also because it holds a wealth of features within its 17’7″ length and 89″ beam.

In our family, this model is a darling, especially for my daughter, Mia, who enjoys its spaciousness when she brings along her little army of stuffed animals on our trips. And what keeps Mia and her fluffy friends safe on the trail? The tires.

The Pro Team 175 TXW uses ST205/75R14 tires. We’re noticing a pattern here, aren’t we? That’s three Bass Tracker models with the same tire size.

If you decide to walk the plank and choose a different tire size, remember to keep the following in mind:

  • Clearance: You wouldn’t want your boat’s trailer to scrape the ground like a belly-flopping whale, would you? Any alternate tire size should provide enough clearance for your trailer.
  • Matching Pairs: Tires are like a pair of oars; they need to match. Never mix tire sizes on the same axle.
  • Professional Advice: If you’re unsure, don’t rely on a message in a bottle. Reach out to a tire professional or your boat manufacturer for advice.

Just like the previous models, the Pro Team 175 TXW’s recommended tire size ensures that your journey from home to the water is as smooth as a calm sea. Don’t be tempted to make unnecessary changes unless you understand the full breadth of the implications.

So, folks, we’ve covered half of our journey through the Bass Tracker models and their tire sizes. From the Classic XL to the Pro 170, and now the Pro Team 175 TXW, it’s clear that the right tires are as crucial as the right crew for a successful adventure.

Stay on board as we set our sights on the remaining models, the Pro Team 190 TX and Pro Team 195 TXW, in our upcoming sections.

The Bass Tracker Pro Team 190 TX Tire Size Map

Now we’re moving onto the Pro Team 190 TX – the “Maiden Voyage” of Bass Tracker models, if you will. With a length of 18’7″ and an 89″ beam, it’s ready to take on all your fishing adventures with grace.

I recall a trip where my clan, all packed into this vessel, sang sea shanties at the top of their lungs, causing a raucous chorus of water birds to join us! What enabled that joyous (and noisy) journey? You guessed it – the tires.

The Pro Team 190 TX sails smoothly with ST205/75R15 tires. There’s a slight change in our pattern here – notice the ’15’ at the end, signifying a 15″ wheel diameter, unlike the ’14’ we’ve seen in previous models.

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Suppose you decide to change these tires, like changing the sea shanty halfway. In that case, you’ll need to consider:

  • Axle Alignment: Just as a compass helps keep your boat on course, proper axle alignment ensures your tires wear evenly and perform well.
  • Tire Balance: It’s all about maintaining equilibrium, not unlike balancing on a surfboard. Uneven tire wear could lead to vibrations and decreased performance.
  • Rotation: Regularly rotating your tires is as important as a steady rowing rhythm. It helps them wear evenly, extending their lifespan.

The Pro Team 190 TX with its ST205/75R15 tires is a stellar performer. Like the dependable ship’s cook in a sea tale, these tires work behind the scenes, delivering us to our watery playgrounds safely.

Navigating Bass Tracker Pro Team 195 TXW Tire Sizes

Finally, we arrive at the behemoth of the Bass Tracker lineup, the Pro Team 195 TXW. This model is the “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” of boats. It’s sizable, with a 18’7″ length and 98″ beam, providing ample room for fishing and family fun.

My youngest, Clara, once turned the deck into a dance floor, spinning and twirling until she was dizzy. And the tires that supported our floating dance hall? The ST205/75R15.

This tire size, like the dance steps Clara so loves, should be followed to ensure a graceful journey. However, if you’re looking to change things up, don’t do so lightly. Like switching from a waltz to a jive, you should consider:

  • Durability: Like a trusty old anchor, your tires need to withstand the test of time and travel. Choose a tire size known for its durability.
  • Price: Don’t let the cost of your tires make you feel like you’ve been keelhauled. Larger tires may come with larger price tags.
  • Availability: Choosing a common size ensures you can find a replacement faster than a sailor can tie a knot.

Like a trusty first mate, the ST205/75R15 tires on the Pro Team 195 TXW help you navigate safely. They’re steadfast, reliable, and designed to help you make the most of your boating adventures.


And there we have it, fellow sea lovers! A complete treasure map to the tire sizes for your beloved Bass Tracker models. From the Classic XL to the majestic Pro Team 195 TXW, each boat has a trusted pair of rubber shoes that ensure a safe and smooth journey from your home to your favorite body of water.

As we’ve seen, whether your boat is like the quaint “Old Man and the Sea” or the commanding “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, the right tire size is your silent, steadfast companion on every adventure.

So next time you head out for some fun in the sun, spare a thought for the unsung heroes of your trip – those round, rubber warriors that bear the load of your beloved boat. Remember, the right tires are like the perfect sea breeze – they may not be in the spotlight, but they make all the difference in your journey.

Until next time, shipmates, happy boating!

Remember to:

  • Regularly inspect your tires for wear and tear.
  • Always keep them inflated to the manufacturer’s recommended pressure.
  • Replace them when worn or damaged.
  • Stick to the recommended tire sizes for your boat model unless you fully understand the implications of changing them.

Bon voyage, and may the wind always be in your sails, and the right tires under your boat trailer!

Matthew Robbs

I love the outdoors and especially spending time with my family. Whether on a boat or at the beach, my happy place is near the water.

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